15 April 2005


Saw Farhan at the library’s locker the other day. Somehow, I just got the feeling that he’s there. And there he was with all his glory. Bending down sorting out his things. Sigh. He looked up when I opened the door. Thank god, I was leading Jasmine and Steffie so I get to see him first! Whahaha. Yes, I am possessive. Yes, I am obsessed. And the problem is…?

Anyways, there he was and I spotted him at once. (Like no duh?). There was nobody else in the room and I went “Hey 'Farhan'…!” very casually and friendly (well what I hope is casual and friendly anyway) while walking and searching for our locker. He said “Hey…” and smiled. I shrieked and fainted mentally. Too bad our locker wasn’t nearer or I could have chat with him or something. He looked up a couple of times at me and every time he does that I made sure I caught his eyes and smiled at him. And he smiled back. Gosh… Melt, melt. Waduh… bisa cair, dong…

But then my mum called me up. But I was too distracted see. While I was talking to my mum, Farhan looked at me a couple of times. I had to wonder what she was talking about till Farhan went away then I can finally make out what she was trying to say. When he finally got up and leave, he passed by and smiled at me! Waaa… I am melting. My heart’s melting… Sigh. Having a crush on him feels so good. Seeing him feels so good. When he smiles at me feels so marvellous. When he talks to me, it’s simple divine. I love his voice. His accent. His smile. His eyes.

But of course Christina’s mere existence ruin it all. I saw her at the cafeteria the other day. With all her guy friends. She had to sit next to our table. Min went away talking to her phone. I so wanted to get out of there. Nyampah nangga ompuan ngegeh ya. Cause I was so afraid to see Farhan walking towards her any minute. And my instinct was proven true. In 15 minutes, Farhan walked up and made his way straight to her. I didn’t want to look at them. I hate her! Why the heck does she have to be so pretty and ladylike. I loath her. I despise her. And I don’t even know her yet. Wait till I get to know her. I just might get murderous.

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