01 April 2005

Baju kurung

I wore my baju kurung today. No weird questions from people since it is Friday. The last time I wore a baju kurung on a non-Friday day, people were asking me “Do you know what day it is?” As if you can only wear baju kurung on Fridays. What utter crap.

I met my crush today. =) We didn’t talk or anything. But it was enough just to see him. =) The thing is, he said hello to me first! Well, he didn’t exactly say anything, just put up his hand and waved hello. I smiled and waved back. I wish I said something like “Helluu Mister Farhan” with a cheeky smile. Sigh. Some other time. Yes, I’m optimistic. Of course, there’ll be another time. Heh.

The thing is he’s bloody taken by this bloody bitch who nobody really knows of. Not exactly Miss Popular. Oh well. Can’t have everything you want. Heh. I’m so bitter when I’m jealous.

I was interested in him the first time I laid my eyes on him. I don’t think it was love at first sight exactly because I don’t know him enough to love him. But I guess you can say I’m in love with him. Or obsessed. Whichever you like, I don’t really mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don’t know him enough to love him. But I guess you can say I’m in love with him.Hmm...macam pernah ku dgr..tapi dimana ya..