15 January 2006

What would you do...

If you caught someone in a lie?

That person didn't really exactly lie to you but that person lied to everybody else telling them things involving you that did not exactly happen.

If you guys know me well, you'll know how much I detest, how I hate liars.

I woke up today and I had trouble breathing. Like my chest was crushed. I thought maybe because I smoke. But hell, I can smoke one whole pack in one night of clubbing and I'll be alright the next day. Hangovers do not count.

I realise that it was because I learned something last night. And it wasn't pleasant. It upsets me. It hurts so bad.

How could you do this to others and to me? How could you even think that people, especially me, would not find out? We've been through this! HOW COULD YOU?! How can you still lie...? Why? Why...?!

Damn it!

I'm going to have to confront you. Face to face.


Anonymous said...

god dnt tell me this involves the one u love?(u know hu i'm talking abt ryt?correct me if i'm wrong k.)

eee...liars are so....ish....damn them la. i hate liars as much as everyone does...

what happened anyway?

Kim said...

yeah, what happened?