31 January 2006

You Got Served

Have you watched this movie? I know it's so two years ago but I just have to review it simply because it was dreadful. Except fot the dance moves. And also I have nothing better to do.

Watching it was such a painful, unpleasant experience! I was watching it last night because my cousin lent us the DVD. He told us to check out the dancing.

The dancing was awesome! The camera angles and transitions for those dance scenes were not bad. But unfortunately, that's the ONLY good thing about this movie...

The acting was crappy and stiff. Omarion B2K cannot act for shit. All of them cannot act! When you watch them, all you can do is cringe. It was awful. That Liyah girl was terrible. And what's with that stupid eyeliner on the bottom of her eyes?! It was the most distracting thing ever! And I was disgusted with her character. In the movie, she went out on a date with David (Omarion).

She switched off his phone because she wanted him to concentrate on her. "You're with your boys every day. But when you're with me, you're all mine." Like WTF?! It was so selfish of her I just gaped at the screen. Her brother got beaten up because Omarion wasn't there to help him. The best acting was probably done by the woman who played the grandma of Liyah.

Continuities are EVERWHERE! Nearly every time the camera changes angle, there're continuities. Gah! It was very, very distracting. I felt like dying half way through the movie.

And the transitions! Oh man. There were so many abrupt cutting to the next scene, which were off putting. But when it comes to the dancing scenes, they were fine. I think this is because the director usually directs music videos. Directing and the editing of music videos and movies are VERY DIFFERENT. Right, my fellow media students?

The direction was all plain horrible lah
l. I mean, come on. It was so friggin' cheesy when they slo-mo the kiss between Omarion and his girl while her brother just looked on, grinning. I was practically knocking my head on the wall, moaning.

And then, and then there's the Plot. Blah! I don't want to talk about it. It's just stupid, silly and stupid, stupid, stupid. And the scriptwriter for this movie should be hit with a frying pan for writng such a weak script.

And Lil Kim at the end of the movie. O my gawddd... Her breasts were also distracting. It was like sagging! I have no idea why she goes prancing about in those kind of outfits.

Only, ONLY watch this movie for the dance moves. Or if you like Wade Robson, who appeared at the end of the movie.

You can skip the rest. It's not worth watching the acting or lack thereof and sucky dialogue.

Only one thing I can say, I certainly got served watching this movie.

29 January 2006

All The Pretty Colours

I was watching the many firework displays from my bedroom window. It was all so pretty. All the reds and greens. Yellows and blues. Lighting up the horizon.

Amidst all that, I saw your plane climbed up and up, gaining altitude. It was so sad. All the little lights didn’t seem so pretty anymore.

I'm already missing you.

Kuching International Airport

Rasyiq's whole family, except for Rafie, went to KL this evening. Since I have nothing better to do, other than cherishing the last few moments with Syiq, I took a few pictures of the Kuching International Airport (KIA).

The airport is still in renovation. It looks like Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) now. So, for example you're going to KL from Kuching, when you arrive in KLIA, you'll wonder "Did the plane flew back to Kuching?!" Ok fine. I know you people are not stupid enough to think that.

Top floor.

I was quick enough to shoot this while he's walking towards me. But see the background. Looks SO familiar, right?

Miri Airport also followed KLIA's design. But the difference between Miri Airport and KIA, KIA have three stories and Miri only have two! Ok, I know that's stupidly obvious but I ain't an architect. I know that KIA is prettier and cleaner than Miri Airport though. Even though it's not yet completed, at least it's not infested with flies. Like in Miri!

Kuching International Airport in the evening.

I don't know why they want to standardize the airports. Sure, KLIA looks pretty cool, neat, awesome etc. But so what? Why can't our Sarawak airports be more like... like... like Sarawak lah!

Come to Sarawak. A Place Like No Other... except for the airports...

Okay, I tak sempat take more pictures of the airport because I was busy doing other things.

The sun was on our face but the lighting was so nice! It's totally worth it trying hard not to squint. Anything for a good picture! =)

When Rafie saw the picture above, he said that he looked like a Versace model. He was wearing a Versace shirt.
Me: =|

He looks like that but he actually loves the camera!

Rafie's watch. Have no idea why he took this.

I look like a head on a stick!!! Gotta gain more weight...

Syiq's family finally arrived at 7.00 PM. Their flight was at 7.45 PM. We all said our goodbyes. After nearly two hours at the airport, I finally went home.

P.S: Just in case if Rafie stumbles upon my blog. Rafie, if you see this, I hope you don't mind me putting your pictures here.. =P

23 January 2006

How Are You In Love?

Ok. Usually I don't do this but I was bored. Heh.

It's interesting because I find that it's so lah true.

How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You tend to take more than give in relationships.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.

22 January 2006

My Hair

Azee managed to persuade me to cut my hair yesterday. She insisted that I have fringe. Because I look boring, she reasoned. Why thank you, dear sister. I finally relented. She was so persistent. How can I refuse.

Damn my weakness.

Nevertheless, I was still doubtful and reluctant. I was actually horrified the whole time the hairdresser cut Azee's hair. Her long locks... I kept moaning while Azee has this "Who gives a fuck? Really?" look.

When it was my turn, I occasionally winced. I TRIED to keep a straight face. Like I'm hell cool with it. Seeing this, the hairdresser kept reassuring me and showed me how little she is cutting off. Haha. She was so understanding.



No difference, I hear you say. That's the whole point! I was so relieved that the hairdresser recommended that I shouldn't have fringe. So I asked her to just trim my hair. Have to be wary of stupid split ends, you know!

Actually, sengaja want to put my picture here. I feel that my blog lacks it. Previous entry full of beautiful Asians. I also want. It IS my blog, after all...

One Month

I have been
loving you
longer than that

21 January 2006

Memoirs of a Geisha

I thought the movie was beautiful. It was so similar to the book. I actually didn't expect much. I thought it will be the same, like any other book-to-movie films. I have lost faith since they butchered all the Harry Potter movies. Especially the third and the fourth. So I was surprised how very little changes they made.

One of the things I love about the book is how it carefuly describes about everything. How the kimonos are worn, how beautiful the fabric and designs were etc. And everything that I've imagined while reading the book comes to life when watching the movie. The tipsy house, the Japanese gardens, Pumpkin (the actress is Japanese) and the many little, little things.

What I don't get is, why in the world did they choose Chinese actresses to play Japanese roles??

Chiyo. Or the young Nitta Sayuri. Played by a Japanese.

Nitta Sayuri. Played by a Chinese. I wonder when she was her small Japanese self, did she say to herself "When I grow up, I want to be a Chinese."?

Young Pumpkin. An American.

Grown up Pumpkin. Now a Japanese.

A few of you might say, Who the hell cares? Well, I do! All this stereotypes that all Asian looks the same.. Sigh.

They might as well get Aishwarya Rai (India)

to play Nitta Sayuri.

See? Just imagine. Her dress almost same like kimono. Can pass as Japanese, I'm sure.

Jackie Chan (China) as the Chairman. Why?

Both look good in suits.

Both look good in err... armour they wore. Both old already. What's the difference? So you see, Jackie can surely play as the Chairman.

and Kristine Hermosa (Philippines)

as Hatsumomo. Because I can't think of anybody else. But see, she is wearing something Asian like. Who cares that it's actually of Chinese design.

Oh, also she has or had long hair. Also a bit brownish. (Coloured. Like Gong Li lah) She has really beautiful hair, I tell you! Gong Li also has nice hair. (grumbles to self)

I didn't want to change Michelle Yeoh as Mameha because she is a Malaysian (and I am biased).

I stumbled upon this joke on the Net today.

A Chinese man walked into a pub in New York with his pal. He says to his pal: "Hey! That's "Jurassic Park's director Steven Spielberg over there! God, I wish he'll come over to say hi."

Spielberg suddenly walked over and gave the man a heavy punch on the nose. "Hey! What's that for?"

"You bloody Japanese killed my granddad when you bombed Pearl Harbor!" he said.

"I'm not Japanese! I'm Chinese!"

"Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, you're all the same! "Spielberg walks back.

The Chinese man calmly walks over and gives Spielberg a really heavy punch in the face. "What the... !?"


"No, no, an iceberg sank the Titanic!"

"Iceberg, Carlsberg, Spielberg, you're all the same!"

Oh, and I thought Sayuri's dance was a bit freaky.

Here, very nice right? And then, she started dancing crazily.

Throughout the entire scene, all I thought was "Wow. That reminds me of Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam..."

Long hair... White robes... Pretty... Very white powder on face...

Maybe I should consider casting Maya Karin as Nitta Sayuri instead of Aishwarya Rai..

19 January 2006

I've been tagged...

I haven't had the time to read other people's blog because my Internet fcuked up after I went online for an hour or so. Haih.

I just got why our dear Emily had been prancing about yelling "You're It~ You're It~" in my chatterbox.

I've been tagged. Twice! Darn. And the latest one is hard... But that's for the next entry..

First of all, remove the blog in the no.1 spot from the following list and push everyone up one place. Then add your own blog to the bottom spot.

1. Alex Allied
2. Cluelee Dream
3. Planet SubKi||er
4. Guilty Secrets
5. Where I Spread My Wings and Fly...

Then, answer the following questions :

What was I doing 10 years back:
I was being a normal silly kid back then. I don't really remember anything specific. I was so innocent and naive. Sigh.

What was I doing 1 year back:
Started smoking. Bad Nisa! Bad girl! Sit! Stay! Stay smoking...

5 snacks I enjoy:
- McD french fries
- Ice cream
- Cakes from 'pretentious' places (Haha)
- Pringles

5 song I know all the lyrics off my head right now:
- My All - Mariah Carey
- We Belong Together - Mariah Carey
- Hero - Mariah Carey (Ok, I guess from this point you guys can tell I know most of her songs. I should shut up about her already)
- The Water Is Wide - Charlotte Church
- Brightly Wound - Eisley

5 things I would do if I'm a millionaire:
- Shopping shopping shopping!
- Travel
- That's about it.
- What about other people? What other people? No, I'm not buying you McD.
- I'll keep the money all to myself. No, I don't share.

5 bad habits:
- Smoking
- Procrastinate about nearly everything
- Being so sarcastic and bitchy
- Drinking
- I refuse to list down my bad sides. Have to keep up my good image, ya know? Oh shut up. I do have one.

5 things I love to do:
- Reading
- Singing
- Hanging out with friends
- Watching sunsets at the beach
- Going out at night

5 things you would never wear, buy or get new again:
- That bleh skirt my mum bought me
- That baju kurung that dotty tailor ruined. Grrr...
- Erm, I can't really think of anything right now.
- I mean, who cares right?
- Actually, I'm running out of time. I have to go pick Azee and Udin up right now. I'm lateeee!

5 favourite "toys":
- My mobile
- My laptop. I wish I have a better one though.. Like that Vaio..
- MP3 player. Not mine but who cares
- PS2
- Uhh... (can't think of anything anymore) the... television?

Then you select 5 people to pass it on to:
- Ing Hui (You tagged me once.)
- Dian (Do you still blog??) [ I can't link her cuz she doesn't want to be link here]
- Saiful (Just because. I miss you lah.)
- Rasyiq (Cuz I like you. Haha.)
- I can't think of other people...

18 January 2006


So the previous entry... You guys must be wondering what in the world am I talking about and especially who was it.

I thought that Rasyiq lied about some stuff.

Turns out that it was all a misunderstanding. There never was a lie. My source was somebody I trusted. Someone I've known for a long time. One of my best friends. So, naturally I trusted her words. And yes, I would believe her over anyone else. But urm, maybe not 100% since this incident happened. Haih. Apa la that girl.

If only I knew where she got that information from. I wouldn't have really believed it. Turns out, Rafie talked to Amalina. No surprise that he would call Syiq an ass.

One thing that freaked me out was that yesterday, Syiq called me to tell me that Amalina got it all wrong. I was so, so relieved. I was reading the comic strips in the newspaper. And since the horoscope was just next to it, I read it. I think horoscopes are a bunch of funny craps. I don't believe them. But what I read was a surprise. It said:

"... You are likely to react in a totally different way than you would expect to news that comes your way about your partner. Remember to ensure that what you hear is true before acting on it..."

Opps. Heh heh.

Sayang, I'm so sorry. I love you. I won't throw knives anymore. I'll do my research next time.

15 January 2006

What would you do...

If you caught someone in a lie?

That person didn't really exactly lie to you but that person lied to everybody else telling them things involving you that did not exactly happen.

If you guys know me well, you'll know how much I detest, how I hate liars.

I woke up today and I had trouble breathing. Like my chest was crushed. I thought maybe because I smoke. But hell, I can smoke one whole pack in one night of clubbing and I'll be alright the next day. Hangovers do not count.

I realise that it was because I learned something last night. And it wasn't pleasant. It upsets me. It hurts so bad.

How could you do this to others and to me? How could you even think that people, especially me, would not find out? We've been through this! HOW COULD YOU?! How can you still lie...? Why? Why...?!

Damn it!

I'm going to have to confront you. Face to face.

10 January 2006

Selamat Hari Raya Korban/Haji

Get to eat meat! Yay! I feel sorry for you vegetarians right now.

It's suppose to be family time, right? But my dad and I are not speaking to each other. Again. I felt sad at first, but then I just couldn't get myself to really care anymore.

He found my empty pack of cigarettes and a few cigarette butts in my ashtray.

He never said he was proud of me. He never acknowledged my achievements. Most of the time, he's all angry and sarcastic. I'm not missing that at all.

He used to assumed the worst in me. Still does. I have no idea why. Maybe it's because he doesn't know me. I don't know.

He once accused me I'm into Black Metal. It seems funny to others but not to me at that time. He really thought I was off killing innocent animals for satanic rituals or something. I was only 15. My best friend just laughed her ass off. Me? A Black Metal? Seriously. I soon thought the whole thing was ridiculous too.

And then, I got this disease of some kind. And he was quick to deduce that it was STD. It was an awful accusation. I was barely 17. Turns out it was this thingy from my chicken pox that resurfaced because my immune system was weak.

I saw this in PostSecret and it made me think.

Why did I smoke? I told my mum it was stress. Was I lying to my mum and myself? Was it really stress?

Maybe when I started smoking, it really was stress.

The question is, why did I continue? I'm not stressed every friggin' time.

I know I wasn't and am not addicted. In fact, I can last for weeks without smoking.

I know my dad won't like it if I smoke. So I continued to.

I never realise that until now.

Now I still smoke, just to spite him.

P.S: I feel guilty of course. My mum was upset when she found out. But maybe I am addicted. Just a little. A tiny bit. I mean, I haven't smoked for more than 24 hours already. Even though I have a few sticks left. Not really that addicted.

All this talk about cigarettes... I'm going for a smoke after I finish this.

P.P.S: I am aware of all the risks and consequences of smoking. Don't preach.

04 January 2006

Interesting Facts

I know most of these already but I thought it's fun to put them here.

1. It is impossible to lick your elbow.

2. A crocodile can't stick its tongue out.

3. A shrimp's heart is in its head.

4. In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand.

5. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

6. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

7. More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call. (I'm one of the few lucky ones. Yay!)

8. Horses can't vomit. (I wanna be a horse. Then I can drink all I want and won't get sick.)

9. Sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. ( Bleagh. Say what? I don't like tongue twister...)

10. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out. (I know this a few years back and whenever I sneeze, I try not to sneeze too hard and try not to surpress them at the same time. Get paranoid sometimes...)

11. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.

12. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

13. If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles? (Aliens do not exist!! I don't believe in them. Damn people are delusional...)

14. In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

15. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. (Serious? Now this I don't know. I'm so gonna buy me a duck and lock it in a room)

16. 23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.

17. Most lipstick contains fish scales. (Aman doesn't know this... Haha)

18. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different. (Oh, really? Syiq, can I check your tongue to see if this is true? Haha.)

19. Over 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow. (Damnit! Why do I have to check every single time?)

01 January 2006


Happy New Year, everyone!

So, have you guys made your New Year's resolutions already? Broken any of them?

Well, my resolutions for this year:

- None!

I can't be bothered making any resolutions this year. The only time I made them was for the year 2003. I remembered I wrote them in my diary, one of them was: Survive Form 5. Which I did. Yay!

It's good to make resolutions but why bother if I can't remember them?

Hmm... Ok, maybe I'll make just one.

1. Don't be so forgetful...