13 September 2005

Curtin Carnival 2005

I should write happy normal stuff.

So Curtin had a Carnival last Sunday. Managed to sell all my tickets (with Dian's help of course).

Arrived at nearly 10. Nezz picked me up. Despite of being late and all (they have a performance at 10) , he still drives slowly.

They sang Pretty Woman as an opening act or whatever it is. And then some dances. Blah blah. I'm in no mood in describing what the hell happened. Go to
Yasmin's blog for pictures of the Carnival.

I just want to bash a certain someone who sang Only One, The Reason and Mungkin Nanti. While he was singing Mungkin Nanti, I noticed one dude sleeping at the back. That's how much he sucks. He lulls (sp?) people to sleep.

However his performance was far from boring. Dian, Yasmin, Steffi and I were having too much fun laughing at him. Why does he torture himself so? Why does he torture other people too? I don't get morons.

There were a lot of food at the Carnival. We were spoilt for choice. Too bad there were so many pest bothering us, thrusting half-empty boxes in our face, expecting us to donate. Then, they tried to give offers like "If you donate, got free watch/bracelet/bookmarks etc..." We want food, damnit. Not bookmarks!

At around 3 p.m., everyone's starting to clean up already. I got free food from Curtin Football Club (CFC). They gave me 3 boxes of full of chapati! Still have some in the fridge. Getting tired of it. Well, at least I have my ciggies!

Got back around 4. Fcking tired. But Nezz came to get his camera back and I ended up going to the football field with him because he was being pitiful. "Oh... I'll just go alone then... All alone..." -Akon, Mr Lonely can be heard at the background- What a drama queen.


Anonymous said...

excuse mua, but u were not the 1 who noticed the sleeping dude ok.

I did. n then i told u n dian n yasmin. dont plagiarise me, tweety.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah n jimmy totally spoiled Only One!!!!! i love that song, n he treated it like shit. to hell with him.

"...this is a different version...without the keyboard version..." -jimmy on his croaking of 'his' (or 'his' band's) version of The Reason. not like it was any better than Eric's. Boo jimmy booOOOOOoooooo~~~!!!

is this guy deaf or sth? someone plz tell him to LISTEN TO HIMSELF SINGING. he needs to be recorded (to let him see how terrible he is) for his own good. may god blast him.

Anonymous said...

my god blast him ahahahahahahhaha

hi nisa.

Nisa said...

Hahaha. Sorry sorry. So you noticed him.