21 July 2005

Ing Hui's 1st day

Ok time to brag.

On 16th July 2005, Ing Hui and I went to get our 6th Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, at Sarawak Plaza. I was so scared about it running out of stock, I drove like a maniac and went the wrong way THREE times when I was on my way to pick up Ing Hui.

Anyways. We got our books. Finally! I was refraining so HARD NOT to squeal. The bookstore was pretty quiet so I just let out a squeak. There it was, all piled up. After two years of waiting... It was such a beautiful sight...

Ahem. Getting carried away.

So we got our books and went to Coffee Bean to have brunch. Yeah the books were more important than our meal. Then, 3 women walked in, one with a tall witch hat on her head. They saw us reading our books and smiled at us. They even invited us to their table. But I was still eating so in the end the woman with the hat came to us.

She sat down, whipped out an orange notebook with an 8TV logo. She then exclaimed "Hi! I'm a reporter from the Borneo Post. I'm doing a feature about Harry Potter. Can I interview you?"

Yes! We were interviewed. They even took our pictures. =) I can't wait to see her feature. She said it'll be out this week in Post Mag or something. I don't subscribe Borneo Post so I dunno the segments. Why don't you guys help me and Ing Hui keep a look out? ;)

The rest of the day was eventful but I'll spare you guys. Let's just say that Ing Hui spent RM500 on her 1st day in Kuching. We were at the saloon for 2 hours. Another 2 hours at the new MNG branch at Parkson. The word of the day was 'Spend spend spend'!

Oh and 'Harry Potter' too of course.


Anonymous said...

shit man. im so jeles. masok surat kaba??!!!!
enjoy spending shopping blabla??!!!
hish! nx tym mesti balit kch cari you.

yeah i'll be checking your faces out in post mag this saturday. i subscribe to BP hee! tangga muka ngegeh torang. cibai.

bila mok blt ctok oi?

Anonymous said...

if i'm not mistaken, someone kenak saman dat day?...pasal parking sukati jak..hahaha..

Anonymous said...

wuuu yaka...
kekekeh bagusssssssss.

Nisa said...

eee... ngegeh. sapa ya? cuba la tulis nama. n yes, kmk kenak saman. but it was all worth it. the book and interview were worth it. =)

Oh, n thanks steff. i know most mirian subscribes to BP. I'll be coming there maybe this sat or this coming mon.

Anonymous said...

dah kuar dah ur face nisaaa!!!!