17 May 2008

Iron Man the movie

Just got back from watching Iron Man with Ali, Max, Fitria, Johan, Renee, Hassan and Abe.

The movie was AWESOME. You know how action movies are ruined by fluffy romance? This one is (almost) pure action all the way.

It is funny at all the right parts. No added drama and useless scenes. The storyline flows well.

What I like about Iron Man/Tony Stark is how human he is. He's not an alien from outer space who wears his underpants on the outside. He wasn't bitten by some freak spider. Nor did he get affected from toxic waste/radiation/and whatever crap.

Iron Man is a normal human being who used his intelligence to create amazing technologies.

I was surprised that the actor who played Tony Stark/Iron Man is not friggin-hot or model-esque. He is a 40+ years old man. But his character is a lovable one. He is sarcastic, funny, smart, rich etc.

I don't know about you guys, but this beats Spiderman (the movies).


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