Type in "Flat Earth society" on Google and check those websites. As I was browsing the sites, I kept on thinking these people are a bit, I'm sorry to say, delusional.
I guess they have never seen Discovery channel programmes where you see all these shots of how ROUND the world is.
I visited one of the Flat Earth forums and read this FAQ.
Q: "Why do the all the world Governments say the Earth is round?"
A: A Conspiracy among world Governments claiming to have space programs has disseminated the lie to the other governments of the world, as well as to the media and the general public.
Q: "What about NASA? Don't they have photos to prove that the Earth is round?"
A: NASA is part of the conspiracy too. The photos are faked.
Q: "Why has no-one taken a photo of the Earth that proves it is flat?"
A: The government prevents people from getting close enough to the Ice Wall to take a picture.
Q: "How did NASA create these images with the computer technology available at the time?" A: Since NASA did not send rockets into space, they instead spent the money on developing advanced computers and imaging software instead
Q: "What is the motive behind this conspiracy?"
A: The motive is unknown although it is probably money.
Q: "If you're not sure about the motive, why do you say there is a conspiracy?"
A: Well it's quite simple really; if the earth is in fact flat, then the governments must be lying when they say it isn't.
Q: "The government could not pull off the conspiracy successfully"
A: Actually, they could.
Q: "How are the world governments organized enough to carry out this conspiracy?"
A: They only appear to be disorganized to make the conspiracy seem implausible.
A2: Only a few governments (USA, former USSR, certain European countries) need to be involved. The rest readily accept the lie.
Q: Why hasn’t this site been shut down by the government?
A: Doing so would prove that the government is hiding something.
Q: No way could the government possibly guard the entire Ice Wall! It would take too many men! Millions of men!
A: Not really. You could do it with a few hundred and some basic equipment.
Q: Why is NASA’s space shuttle runway curved?
A: It was specially constructed by NASA to be so. After all NASA are at the heart of the conspiracy.
WTF is an Ice Wall? Their answers are not very convincing either. Where is this proof of an Ice Wall? And what kind of equipments needed to get people away from this Ice Wall? Some kind of spell from the Harry Potter universe?
There are more to this FAQ.
Q: "What is the circumference and diameter of the Earth?"
A: "Circumference: 78225 miles, Diameter: 24,900 miles
Q: "What about the stars, sun and moon and other planets? Are they flat too? What are they made of?"
A: The sun and moon, each 32 miles in diameter, circle Earth at a height of 3000 miles at its equator, located midway between the North Pole and the ice wall. Each functions similar to a "spotlight," with the sun radiating "hot light," the moon "cold light." As they are spotlights, they only give light out over a certain are which explains why some parts of the Earth are dark when others are light. Their apparent rising and setting are caused by optical illusions. Some controversy exists as to whether the Sun and Moon are spherical or flat. In the "accelerating upwards" model, the stars, sun and moon are also accelerating upwards as a result of Universal Acceleration. In some models, the stars are about as far as San Francisco is from Boston (3100 miles). Others claim them to be much further away.
Q: "Please explain sunrises/sunsets."
A: It's a perspective effect. Really, the sun is just getting farther away; it looks like it disappears because everything gets smaller and eventually disappears as it gets farther away.
If you want to read more about this, go here.
I'll end this post with some pictures of our beautiful Earth.
Seems pretty round to me. But I guess that might be photoshoped by NASA. We've all been fooled! Oh woe to the humankind. We've been tricked by this organisation whose mission in life is to "pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research".
Hmm.. I wonder if vampires and werewolves exist too?
1 comment:
hahahahahahaha. lawak eh. never crossed my mind such people who still believes the earth is flat exist. zaman ney nya ka. conspiracy ndah. funniieee
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