20 September 2008


I hate being sick.

First, your throat feels weird. It starts to itch. The next day, you're coughing like a dying old man. Then comes the annoying flu. You feel like that baby who has runny nose, just less cute.

After that, the inevitable thumping headache that worsen when you go out in the sun. When you're lying down in bed at night, you're in a stupor praying that you'll feel better in the morning. All the while breathing through your mouth and when you talk you feel like Donald Duck.

Come morning, your mouth feels like the Sahara desert. Your nose is stuck and the headache is still there.

The worse thing is, no matter how many pills and awful liquid medicine you pour down your poor mouth, you'll still be sick. So in the end, you resign and pray that it'll be over in a week. If you're lucky.

I hate being sick.


Anonymous said...

ahaha dudeee i so feel you. well described.

get well soon sa! n update more next time =p hugs.

Nisa said...

haha thanks. i try. but my life is dull and anti-drama. :p

oh and i heard ur in miri!! babe y so quiet?!

TheStepster said...

huh? i thought u knew?! then how did u came to know la?

i saw u n ren kat vincci weeks ago but i was at the other side of the building but malu mok teriak ur name hahaha.

lom jumpa pusak ko ka?

Anonymous said...

well described haha worst feeling

Nisa said...

stef: u saw us and didnt say hello?! i havent seen u since like.. last year n u didnt wanna come over say hello? =( kecik ati. yeah my cat still missing. me think some idiot stole him.

min: hehe we all go through it. but feeling better now.

TheStepster said...

i was shopping with my mom. n it's not easy to want to detach myself from her when she tends to drag me all over the place each time we're out.

we'll bump into each other again one day dont worry. or i may just sty in vincci till u come again hahaha =p

eh place an ad la for ur cat...ne tauk it actually helps? heh.

TheStepster said...
