First of all, Selamat Hari Raya, people! =) Isn't it great to be celebrating with your family? To visit your reletives and eat free food and drinks, see your long lost friends, etc.I went to visit my grandparents first. Poor Nek Hussein. He's ailing. He's body so frail and skinny. It makes me so sad that he can't remember me at all.We didn't take any pictures since the camera's batteries were flat. (Hehe. Ain't my fault! La la la) We just got pictures when we went to my uncle's house.
Me and Azee, my second sister.
Me and Daddy. I insisted on taking pictures with him. This picture is the only one I have with Daddy in a long, looooong time. Wished he would smile. Azee, who took this picture took like a lifetime to click the damn thing that he got impatient. Love you, Daddy. I'll never say this out loud though...
I'm holding my cute cousin, Sharip. He's so adorable. My brothers: Udin (farthest right) and Aleng (middle) and Azee (left). I keep scolding Udin for being so freaking tall. Look at him! Hmph.
From left: Me, Sarah, Shazana. We're at Nadia Natasha's house. I don't have that many pictures. Saraaahhh... Send me those pictures, please. I want. =)
Group picture! From upper left: Nadia Natasha, Shazana, Sarah, me. From down left: Err... I don't know her, C-kay, Nadia a.k.a Jompotz. Photo's a bit blurry. Why can't people take proper pictures? Saiful...! I wish you're here to take photos... Haha. =P
Went to visit Rasyiq after that. Our first photo together. How sad is that. We've known each other for years already. Oh, pity I don't have pictures of his house. It's decoreated as if they're celebrating Christmas! But it's very comfy and lovely and nice. I love his house. Yea, that's about it. I don't want to put more pictures because I don't want to explain who's who. Lazy ba. Do you really want to know my cousins and uncles etc? I think not. I hope the people in the pictures don't mind I put their faces here. =P
sara's baju kurung is soooooooooo nice!!!
she looked hot there. woot!
yeah damn nice! u shud see her on 2nd day raya. kacak aii. i'll ask pics from her so i can post here.
ee i know tat nadia natasya..nama nya nadia natasha julai nakkkk..tapi nya sik kenal kmk. kmk pun sik kenal nya..dunno where i got her name from.hhehe..
huyoo..kacak nya usual. hmph.
mena la kata sarah, adik ktk udin ya ensem youuuu... salam ah..wahahaha.
jgn marah nysa. klak kena jual.
brapa kali u nak madah ya. we know u know her la syg.
n udin's not hensem. ish. so wrong. he's 15, ppl. FIFTEEN.
so wat if he's 15. he's 15, i'm 19. 4 years jak beza yaa..boleh yaaaa... :p maaf zahir& batin kak nysa! wahah
apa number nya nisa? sekpa kmk ada ur house phone. i'll call ur house phone..:p
salam ngan buang batu nya ngan kmk. klak nya.
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo baby's inside ur blog!!!!! nyum..nyum..nyum....28/ prepare
Nok laki gambar last sekali ya, muka nya classic jak, kedak jejaka 80an.
pul: ktk ya ada ka membocorkan rahsia kedirik... hish. lelah org diam2 jak pasya nya juak yang ngeng. hmph. sekpat diarap.
kurosaki: it's just the hair methinks. nya pun rambut neyda gia.
ne ada..kmk tersalah send message lah..angol ba awal pagi...aok, muka kawan ktk ya sa ada aura classic lah..mek sik anok aa,owh, mek bukan gay juak,kdak layap2 muka hani mohsen...pengacara roda impian..payah nak carik org muka kdak ya knek tok ehs...
nok sebelah ckay ya kak aza lah..she's cute. kazen ck ya i think.
rasyiq's metro-hot. hahaha.
ah... kmk mala jak tersalah sms ktk. i got 4 nisa in my phonebook (neesa,nisa,nysa,nisya).... damn!
Rasyiq? Hmmm...interesting guy. Its a shame he's taken now huh? Wish I had a classy guy like him...*sigh*
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