30 March 2005

First Entry

So this is the very first entry for my blog.

I once said to myself, never would I blog. But then again I also said never would I be obsess over guys. ;p *cough* Farhan *cough*

It all started because I was bored with nothing much to do. So I figured what if I start a new blog! I like writing. And so with this blog I shall torture the world with my ramblings. Woot! Can't get any better than that. ;)

I saw Mariah Carey on Oprah today. Thanks Dian, darlin'. This 12 year old boy sang Hero, originally by Mariah. I got goosebumps when I hear him sing. Who would have thought somebody his age can sing like that. He hit the notes and even the trills. Mariah looked beautiful. A bit chubbier but then she always do when it's that time of the month. ;) I wish she sang though. She has such a beautiful voice.

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