02 June 2008

Gaia Online

Seems like I haven't been updating in a while. I blame it on Gaia. I know it's silly but it makes me happy. And I spend hours and hours online it's bordering to addiction! Hmm... or maybe I'm already addicted. (Damnit)

See I even have a Gaia toolbar, for crying out loud. Ya'know, to monitor my gold, who's online or not etc. Am I pathetic or what? (Don't answer)

Gaia Online seems childish to most. And yes a lot of kids (20 years old and below) go there. But there are a lot of adults too, which still surprises me. Gaia is an anime-themed social networking and forums-based website. You get to dress your tiny little customizable avatars and post in the forums.

It's silly to go crazy over a few coloured pixels or virtual gold but there you go. Insanity happens to everyone.


Anonymous said...

(doesnt care) yes u are pathetic. =B

The Bambi said...

next thing we know nysa dresses up like one of them haih!!! babe journalism dah polah? wawawawa

Anonymous said...

nysa is a sad sad little girl haih

Nisa said...

Stef: Haha. Yea even the bf laughed. But I don't really care. It's something I like to do. :)

Clara: Yep dah anta yesterday. So freeee! Study pun hampir abis.