11 December 2005

KL trip

So we went to Aquaria.

It is pretty expensive to get in. For adults, you have to pay RM38. But if you have MyKad, it's RM28.

Stepping inside, you can see black stony floor. It was quite dark but you can see that it is a world class aquarium.

After paying for the tickets and now officially entering Aquaria, you can read facts and history of our amphibian friends from flat screens and also on the walls.

You can also see colourful display of erm.. colour thingies.

It changes colours every second so it is actually quite pretty. Doesn't serve any purpose except that it's pretty and lights our way.

One of the first few displays. I am so sorry but I didn't have paper with me so I couldn't take notes of the types and names of the creatures. But I bet you guys don't care anyway.

So we now enter the rainforest section which is called

Jewels of the Jungle

A big-ass lizard

A huge-ass toad. This amphibian is bigger than your fist!

And this is one of the dart poison frog. After some research, I found out that the species above is specifically called the Yellow-banded Poison Frog.

What are the differences of frogs and toads, I hear you ask? Clickity here for more information.

This snake is called the Green Snake for obvious reason. I think they're beautiful. I took a couple more pictures of them because they are so graceful but I don't want Jasmine to freak out. There's more snake pictures anyway. ;)

If you can't see from the sign, this is the Veiled Chameleon.

I was freaking out the whole time taking this picture of this huge tarantula. There's another one, a different species but the picture is blurry and I am NOT going to put anymore pictures of stupid arachnids, especially of stupid spiders...

Next, we moved on to

The Flooded Forest

This is the famous flooded forest tube tank. It's 5.3 metre high. I wish I have one like this in my house... It'll be the highlight of my house and I can charge people gazillion ringgit just to see it.

Close up of the fishies in the tank. They look like the ones your mum always cook for a meal, right?

This is an Arapaima. They are big and they are long. How long?

Well the ones in this tank are probably as long as 5 feet or more... And I'm only 5 feet 3 inches!

Fishy and snakey living peacefully together.

This tank features the coral reef and the creatures that are commonly found there. Yep, you can see a Nemo and a Dory here. And every tank that has a clownfish in it, some random annoying kids will scream "NEMO, Mummy! Come look! I found Nemo!! NEMO, MUMMYYY!!!"

Yes, like o my god. It's FREAKING Nemo. Faint. Blush. Swoon. Why don't you ask for an autograph while you're wailing?

Ahem. It's just that they crowd the glasses and I can't take proper pictures or good look of the display and all. Hmph.

Now we've come to my favourite part. Because I took amazingly beautiful pictures here.

Welcome to

The Living Ocean

This is a Sand Shark.

I don't know what species of shark this is. But it's scary looking with it's mouth gaping.

These pictures below are the few pictures that I took that made me think "Definitely for my desktop background!"

Look so ethereal, kan? Feels like you're in the Little Mermaid Disney movie... -smile wistfully-

Ok, so many other pictures of more fish and eels and sea horsey but I'm getting sick of bluish pics. Moving on.

Went and spent money on their Aquaria gift shop. Fast forward.

Outside near KLCC

With youngest brother

So, this is the end of my entry. Finally. Finished it. Say good bye to once the tallest building in the world.

Good bye to hot, humid, polluted, freaking-hard-to-breath KL air!

I'm glad to be back home. Kuching... Like they said "A place like no other..." I was getting sick of eating in restaurants. Sick of KL food. Sick of speaking Semenanjung talk. Sick of getting called 'Kak'. Do I look so old meh??

Glad that even if I can't have that beautiful Ferrari, at least I have my precious BMW....

Ok fine. It's not exactly mine. Happy?


WaNiDuCkiE said...

Oooh i sooo wanted to go there but had no time. Thanks for killing my curiosity with those gorgeous pics. ;)

Nisa said...

Oh thank you, thank you. I love me for taking such beautiful pics too. Heh.

Anonymous said...

fishy fishy fishy. nysa is like dory. pelupak.