20 December 2005

Abang Iman's Wedding

Seems like we all have weddings to attend to this month.

Well, I don't want to be left out so I'm blogging about it here. My first cousin, Abang Iman was married last Saturday.

Actually, on the same day, my other first cousin, Abang Khairul, had a wedding too but I wasn't INVITED!!! Grr... It's not fair. My own cousin... The reason my parents gave me: It's too formal lah! All of my other cousins' parents told them the same thing. Grr... All that free, good hotel food... And the chance to dress up... Haih.

Ahem. So anyways...

I was to bring the rice and egg thingy. So we had to rehearse it the night before the wedding. But it was sort of choatic when we started because my two little, little cousins, who were to bring that... erm flowery thingy that you hold up? (I have no idea what it's called. In Malay or in English. I'll show them to you later in the entry.) had no idea where to go or what to do. Their attention span is so short.

My adorable cousins. Sharip (left) is 3 years old and Adam (right) is 7. I think. See? Supposed to rehearse but sempat take picture again...

Fast forward to Saturday...!

So, the big day arrived!

Like vain people we are, Azee and I took pictures when we're all done with the makeup.

That's the flowery thingy that they're supposed to hold. Thank God they're light because I was so worried that Sharip would fall.

Azee and my cousin, Aishah. They're both are taller than me... -goes off to choke them-

My brothers and a few of my cousins were to baca khatam today. Have no idea how to translate that to English.

They all looked so elegant than they're used to so I had to take pictures with them!

But naturally, they weren't too keen in taking pictures. What do I have to do to make them smile in pictures?!

All eleven of them on the pelamin.

So lazy to put names so I just bunch all of them together: Sisters and cousins!

Sharip is too cute I had to have pictures with him!

I only have like two pictures of the bride and groom because I was too busy eating. It's all so very simple.

On MY wedding day, I want to break most of the traditions! Instead of boring traditional music or kompang with annoying kids yelling what they believe to be singing, I'll play rock songs! Hmmm... come to think of it, some rock songs have some kids yelling too. Maybe I'll just play Mariah Carey then. I'll have lots and lots of pretty flowers everywhere especially my favourite roses and daisies everywhere! WeeEEee!

And I'll be sure that all my cousins are invited. I'll invite my friends from my Friendster list and people in my PhoneBook because I don't want to go "Who the hell is that?" too often on my big day. Weddings tend to be attended by our parents friends and family. I don't want to go around and say "Oh. Who are you again?" or "Ma, who is that? Your long lost friend from kindergarten ka?" or "Wait. How are we related again?"

I want MY friends to attend MY wedding so that I can GLOAT over them because I would be the PRETTIEST there. =)


Nisa said...

kmk suka mdh jak tapi sik mok la awal gilak. =P

i'll proly succumb to a malay traditional wedding. if i marry kat sudan, mok sik ktk org dtg?

Nisa said...

no, ur not gonna plan my wedding. or cook. or wtv. wat if it'll look like a funeral kelak? u'll be my bride's maid! Mok sik? kan better...

we are so lah full of crap! hahaha. i miss you min. =)

Anonymous said...

akam nyonye pun wedding ada sik baca khatam owh..maybe they just rehearse the bible...dah abis wedding masuk lam semak balit..nisa ktk lupak invite org dari ktk pun myjodoh.net juak..

Anonymous said...

apa semua involved pengilan kawen tok?